Welcome. This site is a distillation of my cycling knowledge. I have been training, racing and trying to improve since 1987. I've read about many training methods and tried a lot of bikes and equipment. I own piles of spare frames, wheels, bars, old HR monitors and drawers full of mostly worn out cycling clothes. I have a bookshelf about cycling topics and obsessively read about cycling.Some of it works, and some doesn't. I would like to pass on these tips to you to save you time and expense and for you to enjoy cycling and get the most from your potential.
Whilst we are all individuals with genetic differences, there's a good chance that your body will react in a similar way as others to a certain training stimulus, and a very good chance you'll get the same benefits from an item of equipment.
Your comments are vital because my knowledge is only limited. I update the articles as new information comes to light. This site will keep changing.
If you find something useful and would like to make a donation then please click on the donate button below. With your donations I can pay for hosting fees and new images. I am not affiliated to any brand or sponsor - I just want to provide you with the best information I can.
I really appreciate your time to stop by and read, especially your comments.
Many thanks

Best of luck and happy riding.